Friday, January 25, 2013


Stuart and I took Kona for a run yesterday, down by the Yakima River. Inspired by the word Fahrenheit, I thought it would be fun to see if I could come up with a word beginning with the letter F for each picture I took.



Cars are not allowed to park next to the gate, which is closed and locked during the winter.  Maintenance vehicles come through on a regular basis, though, and have to be able to access the road into the park.  Stuart dropped me off by the gate to wait, while he drove to the parking area and walked Kona back to meet me.  I’d decided to forgo my heavy snow boots in favor of my more comfortable sneakers, but as you will see, trying to walk up from the parking area in any footwear not doubling as a traction device would have been sheer



The whole parking lot was one big sheet of ice.  Both our car, and Stuart, slid around a bit on the slick road.  The only one who didn’t seem concerned about slipping was Kona.  She quickly ran way ahead of us and beckoned us to



Luckily for me, a narrow strip of bare roadway allowed me to walk safely and take my pictures. 

The road into the park is bordered on one side by the



Unfortunately, it’s hard to completely lose yourself in nature with semi trucks screaming by .  The noise from the interstate is loud! 

Between the freeway and the road into the park, there is



For the four legged variety, I should add.  These hay storage tents belong to one of the local hay companies.  I learned a few years ago that much of the hay grown in Ellensburg goes to Japan to feed race horses! 

On the other side of the road into the park, there is a narrow strip of



If you look closely, you can see where a tree toward the left of the picture has toppled over, and has caught in the V of another tree.  I found that Fascinating!  (Extra credit!)

Meanwhile, we mustn't forget Kona, who was very



I’ve never had a dog before who likes to run, and run, and run like she does!  The entire time Stuart and I walked, she was in high gear, and at one point, she even ran over to a small creek which was



Kona was thirsty and wanted to get a drink.  She wasn’t the only one, because we saw other



I feel sorry for wild animals this time of year.  I bet they have a pretty tough time finding enough to eat and drink.  I observed that the winter has been hard on the trees as well, and saw quite a few that had



The landscape looks so stark and unforgiving.  But beautiful too! 

Meanwhile, Kona is having

Frisky Frolicking Fun


What is it about dogs, and snow?

Thank you, dear readers, for sticking with me to the end of this little word story.   Like Kona after an hour of racing around in the snow, it too is



Happy Friday!


  1. Oh I love the pic of Kona running! Look at her go!

    Brrr. Looks cold there. It's snowing here too - the boys are out of school today.

    1. Snow, and a Friday off for your boys, too! Perfect!!

      Have a great weekend, Lisa!

  2. This was so much fun, Valerie! I love how you give yourself these creative challenges. I need to do some things like this, too, to get myself thinking outside the box.

    1. Melissa-I need to improve my vocabulary-I thought this would help:) Love you, my friend! xx

  3. Valerie oh Valerie! What a fun post! Your comment made my day! I love love love blogging with you. I have to meet you someday and knowing my propensity for heading to Seattle, I will be able to meet you someday. Big FAT stinking (HUG) to you!!!!!

    1. Renae-it would be fantastic if we could meet in person!! Some day! Hugs back at you:)

  4. Your run with your honey looks embracing. We have the same cold weather--but I actually think it looks colder where you are.

    1. Dawn-it was pretty chilly! I really felt the cold when we turned around and headed back to the car. I was trying to take pictures with my gloves on but it was too hard, so I took them off and my fingers were freezing!

  5. So fun Valerie! Glad that Kona, at least, was feeling Frisky!

    1. Jacqueline-she doesn't seem to notice the cold at all. Her energy level never ceases to amaze me, either!

  6. Fabulous Fotos!

    WoW .. you have winter! It is so pretty. I love that creek! Winter is always a somber time of year. The earth sleeps. I am sooooo glad she wakes up early here. Alaska 8 months of winter is just too long. :o) We have little daffodil shoots poking up around the house & we saw pussy willows the other day .. my heart was happy!

    happy weekend to you!

    1. Lisa-I love daffodils! It's always a happy sight when they make an appearance, and pussy willows have captivated me since childhood. I remember thinking they were actually tiny little kittens:)

      Happy weekend to you too!!

  7. What a fun post! I love the "F" theme. It looks sooooo cold there! Brrrr. Kona is the cutest thing ever!
